FORD, ELIZA CATHERINE - Benton County, Arkansas | ELIZA CATHERINE FORD - Arkansas Gravestone Photos

Eliza Catherine FORD

Hickman (Pea Ridge) Cemetery
Benton County,

December 29, 1844 - April 15, 1918

April 1, 1850 - August 2, 1934

Benton County Record & Democrat
Thursday, August 9, 1934


Funeral services for Eliza C. Ford aged 84, who lived on the old homestead, Ford Springs, five miles north of Bentonville for 65 years, were held Sunday afternoon at the family home. Rev. Dodson, of the First Baptist Church at Bentonville had charge of the services. The Dug Hill quartet sang several selections. Burial took place in the Hickman cemetery on Pea Ridge.

Eliza Catherine Dennison, was born at Lexington, Ky., April 1st, 1850, and passed away at her home August 2nd, 1934. She came to Arkansas in the year of 1865. Mrs. Ford married Nov. 4th., 1869 Joseph Ford, who died April 15th, 1918. To them were born 13 children. Only two sons survive, Sam of Bentonville, Walter of Denver, Colo. The daughters are; Mrs. Julia Dorris of Kansas City, Mrs. Phoebe Antrim, Topeka, Kans., Mrs. Katherine Threet, Lufkin, Texas, Mrs. Sue Bernhold of Trinidad, Colo., Mrs. Cecil Haney of Bentonville and Miss Edna Ford of the home. Twelve grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, besides neighbors and many friends morn her loss.

She was a member of the Baptist Church and lived a devoted Christian life, living it every day. She was always willing to make sacrifices for them, not thinking of herself. During, her last illness she said she was willing to suffer if it was the Lord’s will.

Contributed on 12/11/11 by wfields55
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Record #: 623713

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Additional FORD Surnames in HICKMAN (PEA RIDGE) Cemetery

Additional FORD Surnames in BENTON County

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Submitted: 12/11/11 • Approved: 7/19/23 • Last Updated: 7/22/23 • R623713-G623712-S3

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