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Submitted: 11/6/13 • Approved: 11/7/13 • Last Updated: 6/29/19 • R941606-G941605-S3
1st Missouri Battery (Arty)
Civil War Confederate
June 6, 1843 - January 3, 1929
Rogers Democrat
Thursday, January 17, 1929
TAYLOR, James W. - [from Providence) James W. Taylor was born in Anderson county, Tenn. June 6th, 1843. Died Jan. 3, 1929. He moved with his parents to Benton county in the year of 1850, being one of the early pioneers of this county and at the time of his death was the oldest resident in Garfield township. He is one of a family of 12 children all of whom are dead except three - John G. Taylor of Garfield; R.E.L. Taylor, Okemah, Okla and Mrs. M.E. Kelly, Rogers. He was married to Elizabeth Ford in 1869 and to this union were born nine children, four boys and five girls. William H. and George W. died in young manhood, Rebecca and Alice died in early childhood. Those living are John T. Taylor, Bartlesville, Oklahoma; R.H. Taylor, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Mrs. R.M. Williams, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Mrs. G.L. Lawrence, Garfield and Mrs. Benton Marshall of Tekamah, Nebraska. His wife preceded him in death about three years ago which broke up a real companionship which lasted more than 50 years. He with his wife united with the Primitive Baptist church at Providence in 1902 in which he served as church clerk until his eyesight became so dim that he could not read. He was an upright faithful Christian and a firm believer in the faith and practices of the Primitive Baptist church. Uncle Jim, as we all knew him, was a man of few words but his word could ever be taken as true. He was a worker and builder for education and good society and was never known to miss an annual school meeting if he was able to attend. He enlisted in the Confederate army in the beginning of the Civil War and served until the surrender. He and his older brother, E.E. Taylor, being two of the four survivors of the original company to which they belonged. He was engaged in many important battles; the first being Pea Ridge, "Elk Horn," after which he was transferred east of the Mississippi where he participated in the memorable siege of Vicksburg and many other important hard fought battles on the eastern side. He was with Uncle Wade Sikes when the latter lost his arm in the battle of Peach Tree Gap; and it was interesting to listen to those two old comrades when they sat down to talk over the trying times of the war and reconstruction. After returning from the army Uncle Jim began as a real citizen to help rebuild what had been destroyed and continued to the end loyal to his Southland and respected by all who knew him. Funeral services were held at Providence church Jan. 7th together for him and his granddaughter, Mrs. Lillie Roper who died in Oklahoma City, Jan. 4th. Funeral services were conducted by Elders Oliver Coons of Rogers and John Alberty of Sarcoxie, Mo. He was laid to rest beside his wife and children in the Snoderly cemetery.
March 1, 1846 - February 3, 1926
Rogers Democrt
Thursday, March 11, 1926
TAYLOR, Ava Elizabeth FORD - Ava Elizabeth Ford was born in Benton county, Ark. March 1, 1846 and died at her home near Garfield February 3, 1926 at the age of 79 years, 11 months and two days. She was married to James W. Taylor February 28, 1869 and to this union were born nine children, four sons and five daughters, two sons and two daughters having preceded her in death. She, with her husband, united with the Primitive Baptist church at Providence in November 1902 where she remained a faithful member until her death February 3rd. "Aunt Liz," as she was generally known, was a member of one of the old sturdy pioneer families who immigrated from Tennessee to Benton Co. during the early settlements and with the exception of a few short visits out of the state her entire life was spent in Benton county, Arkansas. Her life is an open book - a credit, an honor and a blessing to the community in which she lived. While she lived a long and useful life it was one of many heartaches and sorrows, having experienced in early womanhood the horrors of the Civil War, witnessing the battle of Pea Ridge (Elk Horn) and losing a brother in the Confederate army in the battle of Prairie Grove; giving up two daughters in death in early childhood and two sons in the bloom of life and early manhood. These were some of the grief strewn paths which she traveled thru life but she bore her grief and sorrow with much fortitude, being reconciled to the will of God who doeth all things well. As a wife and mother she was devoted and kind. As a church member and neighbor she will long be remembered, never missing a church service if she was able to go and always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need or trouble. In her afflictions all that medical aid and kind hands could do was done, which she seemed to realize and appreciate very much. A large crowd of relatives and friends attended the funeral at Providence church, conducted by Eld. C.C. Agee of Springfield, Mo. She leaves a husband and five children: Mrs. R.M. Williams, Oklahoma city; J.F. Taylor, Oklahoma City; Mrs. Benton Marshall, Tekamah, Neb.; Mrs. G.L. Lawrence and R.H. Taylor, both of Garfield, who were all at the funeral.
Contributed on 11/6/13 by wfield55
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Record #: 941606