HALL, MARY LOUVENIA - Benton County, Arkansas | MARY LOUVENIA HALL - Arkansas Gravestone Photos

Mary Louvenia HALL

Patterson (Pea Ridge) Cemetery
Benton County,

Company D Gordon's Regiment Arkansas Cavalry
Civil War Confederate
March 4, 1829 - February 22, 1899

(Served in military with H H Patterson)

Benton County Democrat
Thursday, February 23, 1899

HALL, John, Sr. - The news of the sudden death of John Hall, Sr. which occurred near his home on Pea Ridge Tuesday morning will be received throughout this county with expressions of deep regret. Mr. Hall left his home east of Pea Ridge about noon and took dinner with J.D. Lasater and family and from there he went to the saw mill. While transacting his business at the mill he was stricken with paralysis of the heart and falling forward he expired without uttering a word. Mr. Hall was among the oldest and best known citizens of this county and a man of sterling integrity and worth. He moved to this county from Tennessee in 1852 and located on Pea Ridge where he has resided ever since up to the time of his death. The deceased, who was sixty-five years old and a life-long member of the Baptist church, leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his departure. The remains were interred in the Patterson cemetery at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.

Benton County Democrat
Thursday, April 6, 1899

HALL, John - John Hall, who died from apoplexy near his home on Pea Ridge Feb. 21, 1899, was born four miles southeast of Carthage in Smith county, Tenn. March 4th, 1829. He professed religion when about 18 years of age and joined the Missionary Baptist church at Bradley's Creek, Rutherford county, Tenn. Soon after he joined the church he was made a deacon which office, being apt to teach, he faithfully filled up to the day of his death. He was married to Luvenia Finch Dec. 8th, 1853. To them were born 11 children, two of whom, Mrs. Wm. Hickman, a beloved daughter, and Henry, a noble and promising young man and minister of the gospel, are not "for God hath taken them." The children living are all engaged in the duties of life in a manner creditable to themselves and reflecting honor upon their loving and devoted father. Dr. H.H. Patterson, who kindly furnished me with these items says, "I knew John Hall from his infancy, being ten years his senior. I nursed him when a baby. He was a good child, a good boy, a good young man. He sowed no wild oats, but sought first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness." Personally I have been acquainted with the deceased for 37 years - 34 of these years of our association has been intimate and mutually profitable and pleasant. My first acquaintance with him was during the civil war, a time and place that tried men's souls thoroughly. As in everything else he was true and firm in the cause of principles he espoused, so in this. He was ever at his post, ready for duty whenever that might be. In the mess tent, on the sentinel's post, nursing or watching by the side of his afflicted, wounded or dying comrade, on the long and weary march, and on the field of battle and of death, he always did his part nobly and unmurmuringly. As a soldier, as a man, and as a citizen I esteemed him for his valor, for his virtues, and for his benevolences. As a christian, [though we differed widely as to church government and administration of the sacraments), I not only respected and esteemed him, but I loved him as a brother in Christ. The large concourse of people who, notwithstanding the bad roads and inclemency of the weather, attended the funeral services at the grave, conducted by his faithful and beloved pastor, Rev. A.J. Maxwell, told unmistakably of the love and esteem in which he was held by his church and by the entire community. P. Carnahan.

November 27, 1839 - April 28, 1920

Benton County Record
Friday, May 7, 1920

HALL, Mary Louvenia - Mrs. Mary Louvenia Hall, mother of Rev. J.A. Hall, died at the home of her son, Jim Hall, April 28th. Sister Hall was born Nov. 27, 1839, making her over eighty-one years of age at the time of her death. She was born into the Kingdom of God at about twelve years of age and joined the Twelve Corner Baptist church in Tennessee and has a record of a faithful Christian life, being a member of the Pea Ridge Baptist church. She was married to John Hall in 1854 and moved to Arkansas that year. There were eleven children born to them, three girls and eight boys, of whom one daughter and four sons survive her. Her sons, Rev. Hall, Jim Hall and Ed Hall, living near Pea Ridge, and George Hall of Exeter, Mo. were present at the funeral but the daughter, who lives in New Mexico, was unable to attend. Rev. J.V. Bilberry.

*Source: Sons of Confederate Veterans, Benton County, Arkansas 2009
Compiled by William W Degge

Contributed on 1/14/12 by wfields55
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Record #: 636295

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Additional HALL Surnames in PATTERSON (PEA RIDGE) Cemetery

Additional HALL Surnames in BENTON County

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Submitted: 1/14/12 • Approved: 6/16/20 • Last Updated: 6/19/20 • R636295-G636294-S3

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