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Knox Cemetery
White County,

*Knox Cemetery
Searcy, AR
This Cemetery is also known as: Dewberry Cemetery.
Legal description: NE, SE, NE, Sect. 3, T7N, R7W
GPS Location: 615296-3902691
Arkansas Archeological Survey site #: 3WH0496
The last update of this cemetery was: November 30, 2019 By Leroy Blair.
Current status of cemetery: No longer in use.
Point of contact for cemetery. No know contact person.
Photos by Leroy Blair
This Cemetery although known, had not been listed when Leroy Blair of the White County Historical Society visited it October 4, 2000. He found it
in a pasture about 100 yards behind the house at 1310 North Main in Searcy. Following is his report: "I talked to Mrs. Alice Dillin, who owns the
property. She said when her husband bought the property in 1963 the cemetery was overgrown. She said her husband paid $100 to have it cleaned up.
They bought the property from a Mrs. Johnson, who is now dead. Mrs. Johnson told the Dillins that people by the name of Knox were in graves on the left under a large oak tree, and people by the name of Dewberry were in graves on the right. The graves were only marked with rocks. Mrs. Dillin
said that some time later they let some other people use the land and they removed all the rocks and piled them under the large oak tree and cut the
other tree down. I found the stump from that tree. I found six rocks under the large oak tree and there is a large rock standing up that looks like it
might be a gravestone. It has grown into the large oak [see photo at left, above]. There are no signs of any of the locations of the actual graves or how
many were there "The Alice Dillin who owns the land where the cemetery is located said at one time there was a row of the Knox family and a row of the Dewberry family.
If you have corrections or additions to this list or other information on this Cemetery, Contact the White County Historical
Society, P.O. Box 537, Searcy, AR 72145. Or phone 501-278-5010 or Email Leroy “Lee” Blair at lblblair74@gmail.com
Following is a list of known burials in this cemetery.
The names of persons buried in this cemetery is unknown.


Contributed on 12/10/21 by hawkinsdonna48
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Record #: 1405465

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Submitted: 12/10/21 • Approved: 12/10/21 • Last Updated: 12/13/21 • R1405465-G0-S3

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