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Submitted: 10/18/22 • Approved: 10/19/22 • Last Updated: 10/22/22 • R1453708-G1453708-S3
July 13, 1866 - November 5, 1887
Fayetteville Democrat
Friday, November 25, 1887
ROBERSON, Sarah Arizona CARTER – Death, that grim and dread monster, has again been abroad in the land, this time choosing for his victim one of the fairest and noblest in all the community in which she lived. Sarah Arizona Roberson, wife of John H. Roberson and daughter of the late Dr. John C. and Hala M. Carter, of Carter's Store, was born in Washington county, Ark., on the 13th day of July, 1866, and died on the 5th day of Nov., 1887. Death is always an unwelcome visitor, at best; but when it enters that once happy home, so full of hope and joy and lays its icy hands upon that kind and loving wife and mother, but yet in the prime of life—it is certainly the saddest of all things to contemplate. No loss was ever so great, no bereavement so sad as this. The husband will miss her—and oh how sad to think there is no Zona now! No gentle and loving wife to comfort him in time of trouble. The little child will miss her—no fond and affectionate mother to care for her darling little Clara. The already grief–stricken mother will miss her. Because it was in her company more than any other, by that patient and enduring nature that she was made to take courage anew, and enabled to bear up more bravely under the griefs and afflictions cast upon her. The family and friends in general will miss her. For although not given to many words, by her very deportment and amiable disposition, she was ever a council for good in their midst. But Zona is gone! Yes, she together with a dear little innocent babe, who was born to suffer only a few short hours, then to fade and die, has gone—But only gone to a better world beyond! There is consolation in this thought, even to the broken hearted. To feel that she is now at rest in that celestial clime where sickness and sorrow, pain and death can never more disturb her. And although she leaves many sorrowing friends behind, she also leaves a bright and shining example which is well worthy of imitation by all. The one whose death we now record was confined to her bed on the 7th day of Oct. and died, as already stated, on the 5th day of Nov. During the last ten days of her sickness, her suffering was intense, but she bore it all without a murmur of complaint. She was buried at the family burying grounds near her home on the 6th of Nov. at 3 o'clock. The funeral services, held at the cemetery, were conducted by Revs. Smith and Callbert of the Baptist church and were very impressive. The procession of sorrowing relatives and friends that formed at the residence of Mrs. Carter, where she died, and followed her remains to their last resting place was one of the largest of the kind ever seen on Middle Fork. Thus showing that the sympathies of the entire community are with the bereaved ones in this saddest of afflictions. A True Friend.
Contributed on 10/18/22 by judyfrog
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Record #: 1453708