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Submitted: 1/19/14 • Approved: 1/20/14 • Last Updated: 1/23/14 • R975413-G975411-S3
March 3, 1888 - July 6, 1929
Rogers Daily News
Monday, July 8, 1929
PUCKETT, John W. - An automobile accident which claimed two was that which occurred at Greenland, five miles south of Fayetteville, Saturday afternoon when the cars, driven by J.W. Puckett of Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Puckett of that place, who was driving north and Harvey Beachey of Gravette, who was driving south, collided, killing Puckett instantly, Beachey dying on the way to the Fayetteville hospital. The funeral of J.W. Puckett, aged 41, was held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Puckett, in Rogers, Rev. J.M. Asbe...,{?} pastor of the Christian Church at Fayetteville and Rev. A.A. Dulaney, pastor of the Rogers Baptist Church, officiating. Burial was made in Fairview park at Fayetteville by the side of his wife who was buried Tuesday a week ago in that place. Mrs. Puckett died in a Little Rock hospital. Surviving Mr. Puckett are his parents and three brothers: Dr. Carl Puckett, director of Oklahoma Public Health Association, of Oklahoma City; Dr. Hugh Puckett of St. Louis and Frank Puckett of Dexter, Texas. All were in Rogers for the funeral. Mr. Puckett is well known in this section, having been a salesman for years for the Ozark Grocery Company. He was born March 3, 1888 at Rogers and had lived there most of his life. Funeral services for Harvey Beachey, aged 34, of Gravette, who had lived west of that place about six months, were held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at the Fayetteville Funeral Home and burial was made in Evergreen Cemetery. His wife, Mrs. Stella Blair Beachey, survives him. Mrs. Rosie Baker and Miss Nellie Bohanan, who were riding with Mr. Beachey, were injured in the accident and taken to the Fayetteville hospital. They left the hospital Monday morning.
*Obituary (as written)
Rogers Daily News
Saturday, July 6, 1929
John Puckett, 40 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Puckett, 603 South Third street, was killed when his car collided with an auto driven by Harvey Beach of Gravette, five miles south of Fayetteville Saturday afternoon. Beach died before reaching the Fayetteville hospital. Two women who were with Beach also were hurt. The accident was during the rainstorm Saturday afternoon. John Puckett was born near Rogers and lived here until about five or six years ago when he moved to Fayetteville. He was salesman for the Rogers wholesale grocery. He leaves three brothers, Dr. Carl Puckett of Oklahoma City, director of the Oklahoma Public Health association, Dr. Hugh Puckett of St. Louis and Frank Puckett. His wife, Mrs. John Puckett, died last Sunday in a Little Rock hospital and the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at Elm Springs. All of his brothers were here for the funeral of Mrs. Puckett but all had gone home except Frank. Hugh Puckett of Rogers, uncle of John Puckett, left for Fayetteville as soon as the message was received here.
Rogers Democrat
Thursday, July 11, 1929
A recount of the accident is related before the following} John W. Puckett was 41 years old and was born and raised in Rogers where he lived until six years ago when he moved to Fayetteville. He had traveled for many years for the Rogers Wholesale Grocery Co. and was one of the best known and most popular salesmen in this part of the state. His wife had died only the Sunday previous in a Little Rock hospital and the funeral was held Tuesday at Fayetteville and Mr. Puckett had not yet gone back to work. His brother, Dr. Carl Puckett of Oklahoma City, who came over for the funeral of his sister-in-law, had left for San Antonio, Texas where he is a major in the medical corps of the army training camp and reached there just in time to receive a telegram notifying him of the death of his brother. Besides his parents the deceased is survived by three brothers - Dr. Carl Puckett of Oklahoma City, Dr. Hugh Puckett of Memphis and J. Frank Puckett, formerly of New Mexico but who is now visiting here with his parents, having been called from Oklahoma City by the death of his sister-in-law. He was a nephew of the late Dr. R.S. Rice and related to many of the oldest families in Benton county. Funeral services were held at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Puckett, in Rogers Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, 603 South Third street and were conducted by Rev. J.M. Asbell, pastor of the First Christian church at Fayetteville, assisted by Rev. A.A. DuLaney, pastor of the First Baptist church of Rogers. Burial was at Fayetteville by the side of his wife whose funeral had been held just exactly a week previous.
April 1, 1888 - June 30, 1929
Rogers Democrat
Thursday, July 4, 1929
PUCKETT, Alice STANDFIELD - {from The Fayetteville Democrat} Mrs. Alice Standfield Puckett, wife of John Puckett, died Sunday at a hospital in Little Rock where she was taken for treatment last Friday, accompanied by a nurse and by Mr. Puckett and his brother, Dr. Carl Puckett of Oklahoma City, Okla. Two brothers, Jim Standfield, Joplin, Mo. and Will Standfield of the southern part of the state survive besides her husband. Charles and George Appleby of Fayetteville are cousins. ***** Mrs. Puckett was a daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Puckett of Rogers and a number of Rogers relatives attended the funeral which was held at Fayetteville Tuesday morning.
*Obituary (as written)
Rogers Daily News
Monday, July 1, 1929
Mrs. John Puckett of Fayetteville, daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Puckett, 663 South Third street, died Sunday in Little Rock according to a message received here. Funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at Fayetteville with burial at Elm Springs. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stanfield, west of Elm Springs. She had been ill at her home in Fayetteville for some time but was taken to the Little Rock hospital last week. Besides her husband she leaves two brothers and two sisters. Dr. Carl Puckett of Oklahoma City and Dr. Hugh Puckett of St. Louis, brothers of her husband, are expected tonight for the funeral services.
Contributed on 1/19/14 by mitchel
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Record #: 975413