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Submitted: 9/16/13 • Approved: 9/20/13 • Last Updated: 9/23/13 • R927468-G927466-S3
April 2, 1818 - January 6, 1880
*Obituary (as written)
Fayetteville Democrat
Saturday, January 10, 1880
SKILLEN, Audley A. - Mr. Audley Skillen is no more! He died suddenly at his home near this city on Tuesday night last. He resided in this county over thirty years and in all his intercourse with his fellow-men he acted the part of an honest man and christian. He was a devoted husband, a kind father, and ever ready to extend the hand of charity to the needy. A better man is not left behind or gone before. He leaves not an enemy behind him. He had been long a faithful church member and had bright hopes of eternal life beyond his sojourn here on earth. He left a grief-stricken family to mourn his loss who have the heartfelt sympathy of this community.
*Obituary (as written)
Fayetteville Democrat
Saturday, January 17, 1880
The sudden death of Mr. Audley A. Skillen on the 6th inst. has caused profound grief among a wide circle of relatives and friends; and in their hearts his place can not be filled. He was borned near Pikeville, Bledsoe Co., Tenn. April 2, 1818, married Miss Emaline E. Vernon Feb. 18, 1843 and came to Washington Co., Ark. in 1845. He first settled in Oxford Bend of White River on the farm now owned by Col. B.F. Walker where he lived ten or more years. After a short residence in the vicinity of Gearing Chapel he spent the rest of his life at the home where he died, four miles N.E. of Fayetteville. He was an honest man, loved the truth in his transactions, was energetic and full of business. He was kind in his feelings, tender in his affection and devoted in his attachments. He was a professor of religion and a member of the Methodist church from early life. The Sunday previous to his death he was twice in his place at the holy sanctuary; and little did the writer think when accompanying him and his daughters to their pleasant home on that holy day he would be called so soon to dispense the funeral rites of one so loved by his family and friends. He passed away in peace and with the request on his lips that his family meet him in Heaven. J.A. Walden, Springdale, Ark., Jan. 12, 1880.
October 5, 1824 - February 24, 1909
The Springdale News
Saturday, February 27, 1909
SKILLERN, Emeline - (from the Fayetteville Daily) Mrs. Emeline Skillern died last night at her home three miles east of town, aged 85. She had been in declining health for some time and recently received injuries from a fall which hastened the end.
Contributed on 9/16/13 by mdfreels
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Record #: 927468