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Submitted: 4/11/12 • Approved: 4/12/12 • Last Updated: 7/31/12 • R675451-G675449-S3
1830 - April 20, 1920
Rogers Democrat
Thursday, April 22, 1920
ROZELLE, Ann E. - Mrs. Ann E. Rozelle died Tuesday morning at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. W.F. Rozelle, at No. 623 South Third street, at the age of 89 years. She was a native of Virginia but came here with the Rozelle family from Mississippi some years ago. Funeral services were held at the residence yesterday afternoon.
Nov 28 1854 - Sept 22 1917
*Obituary (as written)
Rogers Democrat
Thursday, September 27, 1917
ROZELL, W.F. - W.F. Rozell died Saturday morning at his home on South Third street after a long illness, the result of Brights disease and complications. Since his return from Rochester, Minn. a week or two ago the family had known there was no hope for recovery and that the end was approaching. Funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and were conducted by Rev. S.M. Yancey of the Central M.E. church of which the deceased had always been a most valued member. The funeral was held at the home owing to the feebleness of Mr. Rozell's mother, who survives him. Burial was in the Rogers cemetery. W.F. Rozell was born November 28, 1854 in Marshall Co., Miss. He received his education at Randolph Mason College near Richmond, Va. and at Vanderbilt U., Nashville, Tenn. He was married in 1881 to Miss Annie Fant at Friar's Point, Miss., who survives him, and to them were born three daughters: Mrs. Lillian Oakley of Rogers; Mrs. Clara Fant of Friar's Point, Miss. and Mrs. Annie Henderson of Rogers. Mr. Rozell came to Rogers some eighteen years ago and has been actively engaged in the real estate business until failing health a few years ago compelled him to give up most of his work. He has owned considerable business and farm property and his holdings here are still large, including the old Wing and Trueblood farms east of town. It was as an operator in the timber lands in the north of Mississippi county, this state, however that he was best known in financial and business circles and for a number of years he was one of the best known men in that section. He built the little town of Dell on his lands and it was first known as "Rozell." Later he acquired large holdings of valuable timber land in Old Mexico that would have quickly made him a very wealthy man had it not been for the Mexican revolutions which have upset all plans in that country. Mr. Rozell served as mayor of Rogers in 1912-13, was an active member of the Layman's Association Relief Committee and other religious and civic organizations. He was a life long member of the M.E. church, South and a power for good in every community in which he lived. Ill health in late years kept him at home much of the time and he had slowly given up his various interests but his life has been an unusually busy one and it was not lived in vain.
1861 - May 25, 1929
*Obituary (as written)
Rogers Daily News
Monday, May 27, 1929
ROZELLE, Annie FANT - Mrs. W.F. Rozelle died Saturday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.M. Henderson on South Third street. She had been in poor health for a year or so and had been failing for some time but her death came quite unexpectedly. A daughter, Mrs. W.A. (Clara) Fant, arrived Friday from Friars Point, Miss. accompanied by her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Fant of Coahoma, that state. Two other brothers of Mrs. Rozelle, Ellington Fant of Clarksdale, Miss. and Foster Fant of Tyronza, Ark., arrived here Sunday night. The oldest daughter is Mrs. O.A.P. Oakley of Rogers. Funeral services were held at the Henderson home Monday afternoon at 2:30 and were conducted by Rev. Sam Yancey of Fayetteville, a former pastor of Central Methodist church of Rogers, of which she had been a member for almost thirty years. Burial was in the Rogers cemetery by the side of her husband, W.F. Rozelle, who died here September 22, 1917. Miss Annie Fant was born at Florence, Alabama in 1862, a daughter of Chas. H. and Louise Fant. She was married in 1881 to W.F. Rozelle at Friars Point, Miss. where they lived for several years, coming to Rogers in 1900 where the family has since lived. She is survived by three daughters, Mesdames Oakley, Henderson and Fant, and four brothers, three of them mentioned above and a fourth brother, H.W. Fant of Gadsden, Alabama, who was unable to come to the funeral. Mr. Rozelle was for a number of years one of the heavy timber operators in Northeast Arkansas and served as mayor of Rogers two years and was prominent in all civic activities. The family have always been leaders in the Central Methodist church of Rogers and active in all departments. Mrs. Rozelle was a quiet, reserved woman who had many warm friends and when her health allowed was always to be depended upon by her friends and neighbors in times of need.
Contributed on 4/11/12 by wfields55
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Record #: 675451