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Submitted: 4/3/12 • Approved: 4/3/12 • Last Updated: 3/30/15 • R671457-G671456-S3
September 17, 1829 - January 27, 1898
ssw DS
Benton County Democrat
Thursday, January 20, 1898
PLEMMONS, Sally A. ROBINSON - {from Pond} There has been much sickness and several deaths recently in these parts. Aunt Sally Plemmons of the I.T., but formerly of this vicinity, was buried at Bethel Jan. 28th. She had been sick since Sept. She was an excellent woman. So thought almost every one who had the good fortune to be acquainted with her. Mrs. John Parker was buried at Mount Pleasant the same day and Mr. D.O. Cowgur at Bethel the day following. The bereaved, every one, have our sympathy.
Benton County Democrat
Thursday, March 31, 1898
S.A.C. Plemmons (nee Robinson) was born in Franklin, Macon county, N.C. Sept. 17th, 1829. In 1857 she came with her parents to Benton county, Ark. and was married to D.S. Plemmon in 1850. She was the mother of six children; four of whom, together with their father and many friends, now mourn their great and irreparable loss. "Aunt Sally" was a Christian. She proessed faith in Christ when sixteen years old and joined the M.E. Church, South in which church she lived a consistent and godly life until her death Jan. 27th, 1898. Her life abounded in good works. Of her it can be truthfully said: "She hath done what she could." Her life was so pure and her conversation so chaste that if she had an enemy it was one who was ashamed to let it be known. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W.H. Hatfield, assisted by the undersigned, at Bethel church; from whence the remains of our loved one were laid away to await the resurrection of the Just. J.S. Fair.
Contributed on 4/3/12 by judyfrog
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Record #: 671457