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Additional MOORE Surnames in BELL Cemetery
Additional MOORE Surnames in ST. FRANCIS County
MOORE, Ray LMOORE, James EMOORE, Karen DeAnnMOORE, Charles ConleyMOORE, Elizabeth Ann "Libba"MOORE, Rosa IMOORE, John AMOORE, PatriciaMOORE, George WilsonMOORE, NormaMOORE, Charles BMOORE, Maudie MayMOORE, James PMOORE, MaryMOORE, Olive ElizabethMOORE, LesterMOORE, BessieMOORE, LunaMOORE, Byrdie OpalMOORE, Oscar MerrittMOORE, Willie BirdMOORE, Francis L.MOORE, John W.MOORE, William P.MOORE, Anna MMOORE, Creed TMOORE, Mittie SMOORE, IraMOORE, RuthMOORE, HaroldMOORE, OrmaMOORE, Melia JMOORE, Clyde LMOORE, Mollie EMOORE, Marie JaneMOORE, LouiseMOORE, William Patten "Bill"MOORE, John WilliamMOORE, Frances LouiseMOORE, JohnMOORE, JosephMOORE, David WayneMOORE, Lloyd EarlMOORE, Mattie MaeMOORE, William MonroeMOORE, Mary AnnMOORE, RuthMOORE, Maude L.MOORE, Joe G.MOORE, Larry DavidMOORE, Helen R.MOORE, AdineMOORE, Fredrick L.MOORE, JennieMOORE, Jennie (close up)MOORE, Fredrick L. (close up)
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Submitted: 3/28/10 • Approved: 4/2/10 • Last Updated: 9/9/12 • R302905-G0-S3
Oct 28, 1871 - Mar 24, 1919
Woodsmen of the World Memorial
H has gone to the mansions of rest.
Contributed on 3/28/10 by mary.h.shafer
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Record #: 302905