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Submitted: 6/5/22 • Approved: 6/6/22 • Last Updated: 6/9/22 • R1435624-G1435624-S3
1876 - 1915
Marriage: 25 Dec 1895 Howell County, Missouri*
The original grave marked as Mrs. Ward is Vinnie (Austin) Ward. Family membeers bought a modern monument with her name. Vinnie Austin Ward wife of James Luther Ward. He is buried in Little Zion Cemetery, West Plains, Mo. Their children were Cora Mae, John Sitton, Luther Clyde, Lois Opal, Elton Lee, Clarence J."Jack", James Lester, and Hester Katheryn. Submitted by Marietta Ward Miller, granddaughter.
*Missouri, County Marriage, Naturalization, and Court Records, 1800-1991
Name James L Ward
Sex Male
Spouse's Name Vinnie Austin
Spouse's Sex Female
Marriage Date 25 Dec 1895
Marriage Place Howell, Missouri, United States
Event Type Marriage
Page 339
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"Missouri, County Marriage, Naturalization, and Court Records, 1800-1991," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 16 May 2022), James L Ward, 25 Dec 1895; citing Marriage, Howell, Missouri, United States, Missouri State Archives, Jefferson City; FHL microfilm 007424375.
Contributed on 6/5/22 by sandhollow
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Record #: 1435624