WEATHERALL, ELIZABETH C - Drew County, Arkansas | ELIZABETH C WEATHERALL - Arkansas Gravestone Photos


Old Troy Cemetery
Drew County,

Wife of James M Weatherall
November 27, 1831 - October 17, 1894

The Monticellonian
Monticello, Arkansas
02 Nov 1894, Fri • Page 3

With solemn and tender thoughts, I write of the death of my dear beloved mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Weatherall, who died at the home of her son Jim. Weatherall, on Oct. 17, 1894.
Her disease was derangement of the stomach and bowels; she was confined to her bed near two months and was never heard to murmur or complain: she was near sixty-three years old and a daughter of Nellie and John Donaldson, (deceased); she, being the last member of that family. She had seven children, two already have passed away. We feel that we ought
not to grieve for her while we miss her, but feeling to say with the apostle: "for none of us liveth to himself: and no man dieth to himself, for whether we live we live unto the Lord and whether we die we die unto tho Lord: whether we live therefore or die we are the Lords." She was a member of the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church, and loved to go to her meeting. I have had the pleasure many times of carrying her to her meeting on communion day, which she enjoyed so much, but we feel assured of the fact that she would rather go to her everlasting resting place, knowing that our Savior has said that He would come again without sin unto salvation, knowing that He does all things well. He will bring our vile bodies from the earth and fashion them unto His glorious body. She looked forward to her happiness in that world to come, feeling assured the Lord had taught her to know that this was only a place of sin and corruption, and that He had prepared for her a place eternal in the Heavens, a building not made with hands. He says I am the way, the life and Resurrection, and declared that He would bring them forth that the Father had given him, and that they should be with him. I would ask all relatives and friends to not mourn but rather rejoice; because she has gone from trouble and we hope we will all be raised in the morning of the
resurrection, ever to be with the Lord.

A loving mother from us is gone,
A voice from us is stilled.
A place is vacant in our hearts,
That never can be filled.

John A. Weatherall

Contributed on 6/8/21 by deltabelle55
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Record #: 1378384

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Submitted: 6/8/21 • Approved: 6/14/21 • Last Updated: 6/17/21 • R1378384-G1378384-S3

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