COUNTS, W N - Washington County, Arkansas | W N COUNTS - Arkansas Gravestone Photos


Hester Cemetery
Washington County,

September 22, 1860 - May 30, 1912

The Springdale News
Friday, June 14, 1912

COUNTS, W.N. - {from Baldwin} W.N. Counts died the 30th of May of the dread disease tuberculosis. He was confined to his bed for more than three months, daily growing weaker, never able to sit up any. He was laid to rest in the Hester cemetery on Friday, a large attendance of relatives and friends following the hearse to his last resting place. Funeral services were held in the beautiful yard at his home, of which he was so proud, by Rev. Ragland, after which the Masons took charge and buried the remains. His widow and little daughter have many sympathizing friends and neighbors to visit and comfort them in their distress. Mrs. Eugene Portis, a sister of the deceased, will visit a couple of weeks with Mrs. Counts before returning to her home at England, Ark.

The Springdale News
Friday, June 14, 1912

(from The Fayetteville Democrat) After a lingering sickness, W.N. Counts died at his home at Baldwin yesterday. He had been confined to his bed since last February. He was born and reared in Madison County. Some years ago he was married to Miss Maude Couch of Springdale. She and a little son named for his father survive him. Mr. Counts was one of the prosperous and public spirited farmers of his neighborhood. His death is a great loss both to his family and community. He was a good man and a good Mason. The funeral services took place this afternoon at half past three o'clock, conducted by Rev. N.M. Ragland and the Masonic lodge. The burial will be in the Hester cemetery.

Contributed on 4/1/18 by judyfrog
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Record #: 1216275

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Submitted: 4/1/18 • Approved: 4/12/18 • Last Updated: 4/15/18 • R1216275-G0-S3

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