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Submitted: 6/12/23 • Approved: 6/15/23 • Last Updated: 6/18/23 • R1488005-G0-S3
Unknown - October 21, 1887
Fayetteville Democrat
Friday, October 28, 1887
ALBRIGHT, Ed — Steve Albright arrived in the city Friday in response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of his brother. It was a sad mission for he arrived just in time to see his only brother breathe his last.
Fayetteville Democrat
Friday, October 28, 1887
It is not often that we are called on to record so sad a death as that of Ed Albright which occurred on the afternoon of the 21st inst. A few months ago he went with a surveying party, under Capt. Geo. Chase, to the Pan Handle country and while there was taken with typhoid fever. He suffered for three weeks, without anyone to care for and supply his wants and but little medical attention. His parents were not apprised of his condition and he finally started on the long journey home alone, quite a distance having to be traveled before a railroad was reached. After his arrival he received all the attention that loving parents and friends and the best medical skill could render. Our citizens generally manifested the greatest solicitude in regard to his condition every day but no substantial encouragement was ever given out. He was very sick on his arrival and gradually grew weaker until the end came. His brother, who was in Ohio, was telegraphed for and arrived just in time to see him in the last throes of death. The funeral services were held at the family residence at 4 o'clock p.m., Saturday, Rev. H.M. Welch officiating, after which he was quietly laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery. The funeral was largely attended. Ed was the younger of the two sons of Capt. Geo. S. and Mrs. Mary A. Albright and was in his 20th year. He attended school in St. Louis last year and his health having failed, it was hoped he would be benefited by outdoor exercise, but it was not to be. It is a dreadful thing to be cut off in the vigor of young manhood and in this sorrowful time the bereaved family has the sympathy of all our people.
Contributed on 6/12/23 by judyfrog
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Record #: 1488005