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Additional WOOD Surnames in BAXLEY Cemetery
Additional WOOD Surnames in LOGAN County
WOOD, HenryWOOD, SarahWOOD, Betty MWOOD, Buster LWOOD, Dennis WayneWOOD, SarahWOOD, TemperanceWOOD, Evelyn PWOOD, Thomas EWOOD, VeraWOOD, CliffordWOOD, Bobbie RueWOOD, RuelWOOD, PearlWOOD, LynnWOOD, HazelWOOD, A EWOOD, VirgieWOOD, EarlWOOD, Letha IWOOD, Eldon BWOOD, Henry HixsonWOOD, Danny LemoyneWOOD, AlyneWOOD, Paul J PershingWOOD, Angela DawnWOOD, Harvey MillardWOOD, Nellie SueWOOD, Ruth EWOOD, Russell KarlWOOD, Harley HWOOD, Lena MaudeWOOD, William HarrisonWOOD, ErnestWOOD, Golda ImoWOOD, Jerry LWOOD, Willie RWOOD, Lula MWOOD, Bentley EWOOD, James AWOOD, Mary AnnWOOD, Mary BessieWOOD, George WilliamWOOD, Permellia JWOOD, Mary HelenWOOD, Jesse AndrewWOOD, Olvia LeeWOOD, Jesse Lee " J L"WOOD, Sidney AWOOD, Thelma VWOOD, John OWOOD, Charlie WWOOD, LemoyneWOOD, Maggie E
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Submitted: 6/5/18 • Approved: 6/5/18 • Last Updated: 6/8/18 • R1226196-G0-S3
March 16, 1898
June 19, 1898
Photo courtesy of Francis Allen Titsworth
Contributed on 6/5/18 by billsully060
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Record #: 1226196