MCKISICK (VETERAN 2 WARS), DANIEL ROBERT - Benton County, Arkansas | DANIEL ROBERT MCKISICK (VETERAN 2 WARS) - Arkansas Gravestone Photos


Callis-McKissick Cemetery
Benton County,

Company H 1st Cherokee Mounted Rifles
Civil War Confederate
Mexican American War (Private)
August 27, 1817 - October 11, 1903

*Obituary (as written)
Benton County Democrat
Thursday, October 15, 1903

McKISSICK, Daniel R. - We, the undersigned, members of Camp Cabell, No. 89, U.C.V. of Bentonville, Ark., appointed by Captain Joe Dickson to write a statement for publication of the life and character of our comrade and associate, Capt. Daniel R. McKissick, respectfully report: That Daniel R. McKissick was born in Bedford County, Tennessee on the 27th of August 1817 and died at his home in Benton County, Arkansas Oct. 11, 1903. Captain McKissick came to Benton County when he was seventeen years of age and lived at the home where he died for a period of sixty-eight years. He was a soldier in two wars. A private in the war with Mexico and a Captain in the Confederate Army in the Civil War. As a soldier and officer he was always true, always at his post of duty amongst the bravest of the brave. Intensely Southern in all his feelings he never for a moment doubted that the cause of the South was a just and holy cause. He was a man of remarkably strong character, a modest, brave, just and fearless man in every relation of life. No truer friend or more honorable man than he ever lived. No man ever lived in Benton County who was more respected and more loved than Dan McKissick. He was in all ways a true gentleman, a man without fear and without reproach. He was buried on the 13th of October on the old home place by the side of his mother and father. The Reverend Peter Carnahan, himself a Confederate soldier and a long time friend, conducted the funeral services. There were a very large number of people from all parts of Benton and Washington Counties who attended the funeral. His old comrades in the Confederate Army laid him to rest: the men who knew him best and loved him most. Captain McKissick was married in 1867 to Miss Sophronia Callis, who survives him. They have no children. N.S. Henry, A.J. Bates, James H. Berry.

Contributed on 9/30/14 by judyfrog
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Record #: 1042770

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Submitted: 9/30/14 • Approved: 9/30/14 • Last Updated: 10/3/14 • R1042770-G0-S3

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